Rock Music Artists
Artist & Band information for:rock music | Bauhaus | rock and roll music
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Bauhaus on Sonicnet
Bauhaus news and reviews, audio downloads, brief biography, and bulletin boards. |
Bauhaus Lyrics
The lyrics to Bauhaus songs, listed by album. | Bauhaus
Includes a biography, discography, photos, articles, audio/video files, links and message board. |
Of Lillies & Remains
Contains a postcard generator, message board, up-to-date tour news, lyrics, discography, and biography. |
Album Reviews
Provides ratings and recommendations for Bauhaus albums, song lyrics, and links to related sites. |
Bauhausmusik: Official Site
Information, photos, and merchandise all provided. Covers the "Resurrection Tour" and contains many exclusives, ranging from interviews to excellent fan photos from the band's recent tour. |
The Sound of Light
Photographs of Peter Murphy, David J, and Daniel Ash taken by Kyle Burkhart. |
Haunted When the Minutes Drag
Picture gallery for Bauhaus members, as related to the band and their solo projects. |
Cracked Pleasures
Dedicated to Bauhaus and the members' solo projects. Contains postcards, images, sounds, news, and discography. |
Eyesore: Bauhaus
Discography with album cover images. |
Amazon offers
Burning from the Inside (Audio CD),20 October, 1989
List price $11.98
Bauhaus' Best Album / 5
This is their best and darkest album. The title track is brilliant, along with 'She's in Parties'. That said, the entire album is gloomy and wonderful. I've heard it said that this is Bauhaus' most commercial album. I don't think so. If anything, it's them at their most uncommercial and 'Goth', if you will. As good as 'Bela Lugosi's Dead' was, the songs on this album are far superior. Unfortunately, this album is woefully overlooked because of the splintering of the group and the supposed inconsistency of styles. I disagree. This is a classic-right up there with The Cure's 'Pornography', the Banhees' 'Juju', and Joy Division's 'Closer'.
Song "Exquisite Corpse"
1. Life is but a dream repeat
2. I make the air fall apart
Around me
Now as the petals are no more
A corroding, shrinking stalk remains
Bereft of his blooms
And the ultimate cruelty of loves pinions
Beset his appearance
Beset his appearance
No king could replenish his state
Now browning, sinking, dying
A thousand deaths x3
3. Terry sat up
And hugged the green army surplus bag
Around his skinny waist
It was cold
And the person beside him had faded badly
Legs apart his eyes lit up
5. The sky's gone out!
Bauhaus: Pitchfork Live Review
Live Reviews Tue:04-20-06: Franz Ferdinand Tue:04-18-06: Destroyer Tue:04-13-06:
No Fun Fest ... Tue:05-10-05: Bauhaus Thu:05-05-05: Animal Collective ...
ForeWord Magazine :: Book Review - The Bauhaus and America: First ...
Independent Publishers Book Review of The Bauhaus and America: First Contacts
1919-1936 by Margret Kentgens-Craig Reviewed by Jill Blue Lin.
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Yahoo! News Search Results for band "Bauhaus"
Calendar of events (Courier-Post)
Spirited Cape May Weekend. Through Sunday. Wine Tasting Dinner, Winery Cellar Tour and Wine Tasting Class. Details, (800) 275-4278.
Goth beauty is in eye of beholder ? but advice is plentiful (Seattle Times)
Everyone needs fashion advice, men especially. But what to do if you're Goth? Enter Gothic Beauty, a Portland-based quarterly magazine centered...
Gothic over-achievers Crüxshadows performing at Pegasus (Pittsburgh City Pape...
Rogue gallivants through the crowd wearing his Madonna-style headset mic, even climbing the venue walls like a gothic Peter Parker.... By Manny Theiner.
Morrissey delivers in Pasadena (Orange County Register)
The British alternative rock singer mixes new songs with classics from his former band, the Smiths.
Queens of England (The Village Voice)
Why the British love the Scissor Sisters more than we do
2:00 pm | Avetts land coveted festival gig (The Charlotte Observer)
Concord's Avett Brothers are among the acts confirmed for this year's annual Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, which takes place in Indio, Calif., and has been instrumental in creating early buzz for bands such as the Killers.
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