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Amazing Tammy Cochran
Fan site includes concert pictures, reviews, and interviews.
Tammy Cochran
Official page features news, photos, and audio clips. Tammy Cochran's Busy Angels
Downloadable video interview.
Tammy Cochran
Fan page features picture galleries and links. Tammy Cochran
Review of the album "Tammy Cochran" includes a biography and an interview.
Tammy Cochran Official Fan Club
Fan page features fan letters and pictures, tour dates, and news. Special People
Salutes Cochran for her support of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. (April 2001) Tammy Cochran Review
An enthusiastic review of the singer's first album.
Amazon offers Tammy Cochran (Audio CD),01 May, 2001
Country music artists |  T Cochran  | music artists List price $9.98
Tammy continues country tradition / 5
Like the legend that she was named after, Tammy sings traditional country songs about life's ups and downs with real feeling. Sadly, Tammy Cochran emerged on the scene at a time when American country radio wasn't interested in traditional country music. It says a lot for Tammy's talents that she got as much airplay as she did, though nothing like as much as she deserved.

This is Tammy's debut album - there has been one since (Life happened, which I've already reviewed) but I'll be pleasantly surprised if any more are forthcoming. It includes a cover little-known oldie - What I learned from loving you. Kenny Rogers (on his album, We've got tonight) and Lynn Anderson (on her album on the Permian label) both recorded the song in 1983, Lynn's version being a country hit. I am a huge fan of both those singers but Tammy's version is as good as theirs.

The remaining songs are (as far as I know) all originals except Going going gone (a cover of a Sherrie Austin song, from her album, Following a feeling) and include the country hits If you can, So what and Angels are waiting, a song inspired by her brothers who were the victims of cystic fibrosis. Elsewhere, the album is full of songs about love's ups and downs, which Tammy performs superbly.

If you enjoy traditional country music, give Tammy a listen.

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Tammy Cochran - Tammy Cochran CD Review - By Matt Bjorke
Tammy Cochran - Tammy Cochran CD Review - By Matt Bjorke.
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