Rock Music Artists

Artist & Band information for:rock music | Whiskeytown | rock n roll

Fan site contains a biography, discography, photographs, press articles and links.
Lost Highway Records: Whiskeytown
Record label's site features news, biography, press articles, audio samples, and message board. [Requires Flash]
Fan site with news, tour dates, discography, lyrics, guitar tablature, quotes, image gallery, and links.
Amazon offers Faithless Street (Audio CD),29 September, 1998
rock music |  Whiskeytown  | rock n roll List price $13.98
A pleasant little surprise / 4
My wife and I discovered this cd under the seat of a rental car in Albequerqe, NM in the summer of 1999. Not being country/western fans we had no idea who or what it was. But out of curiosity we played it in the car as we traveled around and took it with us when we left. Some poor soul's loss was our gain. At first to our unaccustomed ears, it all sounded like the usual country rock stuff. But after repeated listenings over time there are a good number of songs on this cd that stand out for us that we enjoy listening to. I put about 6 on a western mix cd I created that included The Refreshments and Roger Clyne (who are more to my personal taste). Since this is not the usual music I listen to and I can only listen to about 10 songs before they start to sound repetitive and I have to listen to something else, my rating would be between 3 and 4 stars. Clearly those more into this genre may appreciate it much more than the casual listener like me. I do appreciate about half the songs on this cd but some I just can't get into as my heart belongs to rock and roll!
Song "Angels Are Messengers From God"

If angels are messengers from god,
Please send one down to me
If angels are messengers from god,
I wrote a letter he should read
Been living on faithless street all by myself
Work your whole life for someone else
Trying to find sanction, christ above man
He never shed his peace on this land
So i started this damn country band

Been living on faithless street all by myself
Work your whole life for someone else

Trying to find sanction, christ above man
He never shed his peace on this land
So i started this damn country band
Cause punk rock was too hard to sing.

Been living on faithless street all by myself
Work your whole life for someone else
Trying to find sanction, christ above man
He never shed his peace on this land
So i started this damn country band
Cause punk rock was too hard to sing.

George Graham Reviews Whiskeytown's "Pneumonia"
CD graphic. Click on CD Cover for Audio Review in Real Audio format ... The band is Whiskeytown and their newly released CD is called Pneumonia. ...
2 Walls Webzine - music review - Whiskeytown
Whiskeytown Pneumonia (2001) Review by: Brandon Copple Date: 11/1/03 ... Whiskeytown Faithless Street (1998) Review by: Brandon Copple Date: 11/1/03 ...
Whiskeytown: Pneumonia: Pitchfork Review
[Lost Highway] Rating: 8.1 - Review by: Ryan Kearney.
Whiskeytown’s Shasta –Trinity Trail Project Environmental Assessment Opened for Public Review. Whiskeytown National Recreation Area has completed the draft ...

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