Kari Rueslåtten
Fan site with a short biography and discography. The site is in English and Russian.
http://www.cea.ru/~romshish/music/kari/ |
Kari Rueslåtten
Fan site with discography, pictures, lyrics and a biography.
http://home.online.no/~torleift/kari/ |
GMR Music: Kari Rueslåtten
Short biography, pictures, sound samples and a video.
http://www.gmrmusic.se/html/kari.html |
Amazon offers
Jazz Reunion (Audio CD),01 November, 2002
List price $5.98
Song "Nordnatt"
[Night of the north]
Nordlyset farger himmelen
Speiles ned pa isen
De sier tiden leger sar
De sier tiden leger sar
Betatt av synets makt
Den sterke sol og manes pakt
Vil sannheten bli meg forunt?
Vil sannheten bli meg forunt?
Mitt sinn er et hav
En alle tankers grav
Jeg ville gi det til deg
Jeg ville gi det til deg
Kan du se fargenes spill
Som horer Nordnatten til
Vil du dele mitt syn?
Tor du dele mitt syn?
The northern lights colour the sky
Reflect on the ice
They say time heals all wounds
They say time heals all wounds
Seduced by the power of the sight
The powerful union of sun and moon
Will I be bestowed with the truth?
Will I be bestowed with the truth?
My mind is an ocean
A grave of all thoughts
I wanted to give it to you
I wanted to give it to you
Can you see the play of colours
Belonging to the Night of the North
Will you share what I see?
Do you dare share what I see?
Kari Rueslåtten - Official homepage
Kari Rueslåtten's 4th solo album, Other People's Stories, has attracted very good
reviews! Other People's Stories has been released in many countries in all ...
MusicMoz - Regional: Europe: Norway: Bands and Artists
Det Betales - Biographies, photos, samples in MP3 format, reviews, merchandise,
... About the band, pictures, audio samples, playlists and press reviews. ...
Albums by Kari Rueslåtten -- Rate Your Music
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