Rock Music Artists
Artist & Band information for:rock music | Kirsty MacColl | rock n roll
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Kirsty MacColl
Includes live dates, biography, discography, lyrics, and pictures. |
Bono, Edge, and Johhny Marr Attend Kirsty MacColl Memorial Service
News article from the NME.,1004,13743,00.html |
Kirsty MacColl - Voice of an Angel
Fan site with FAQ, discography, her musician credits on other's works, lyrics, and images. |
Boater Who Accidentally Killed Kirsty MacColl Released On Bail
News article from SonicNet. |
50,000 Lira For My Thoughts
Kirsty fan page with facts, top tracks, a discography, and an interview. |
Kirsty MacColl Interview
From Videotech Online, this music interview covers the album 'Tropical Brainstorm'. |
Kirsty MacColl Killed In Boating Accident
News article from SonicNet. |
Amazon offers
Tropical Brainstorm (Audio CD),25 April, 2000
List price $34.49
The Best / 5
You know how you can have good albums, even favourite albums? But there is usually one track which is a bit duff. Not on 'Tropical Brainstorm'! You know how you can overplay an album over three months and then you don't listen to it for ages? Not 'Tropical Brainstorm'! You know how the charts today is filled with airheaded bimbo's, marketed solely on their looks although they cannot sing without that bloody awful voice modulator thing (And 'Yes' Britney, I'm talking about you!)...? Well, not Kirsty MacColl. Simply put, a damn fine artist unfairly taken from us, but a tremendous album. A 'must buy'!
Song "Us Amazonians"
Here in the country we dance and we play
And we pray to our saints and we make love all day
I fell in love with a real city boy
Who's afraid of his nature, afraid of his joy
I punched him out and brought him to this hut
But I know he'll thank me when he wakes up
We got trees, we got snakes, we got acres of sky
His life in the city was making him cry
Come on, come on darling, be brave for a while
You don't look afraid when you laugh and you smile
I'll be good, I'll be strong
I'll be just what you needed all along
Here in the country we dance and we play
And we pray to our saints and we make love all day
I fell in love with a real city boy
Who's afraid of his nature, afraid of his joy
Us Amazonians know where we stand
We got kids, we got jobs, why do we need a man?
Us Amazonians make out alright
But we want something to hold in the forest at night
Come on, come on darling, be brave for a while
You don't look afraid when you laugh and you smile
Breathe in deep, stick with me
You'll still be free as you let yourself be
If you're certain, if you're true
I'll be the only country girl for you
I'll be good, I'll be strong
I'll be just what you needed all along
Here in the country we dance and we play
And we pray to our saints and we make love all day
I fell in love with a real city boy
Gotta teach him about nature, and teach him about joy
Us Amazonians know where we stand
We got kids, we got jobs, why do we need a man?
Us Amazonians make out alright
But we want something to hold in the forest at night
Here's my boyfriend, he's small, he is blue
He is cold, he is rough, he's appalling that's true
But he's got the power, he's got the fire
To be just like us is his only desire
He'll learn to hunt and I'll teach him to fish
We'll boil up our rice in a satellite dish
We'll plant cassava wherever we can
Us Amazonians always get our man
Us Amazonians know where we stand
We got kids, we got jobs, why do we need a man?
Us Amazonians make out alright
But we want something to hold in the forest at night
Kirsty Mccoll - Latest news, reviews and interviews
Search Terms:Kirsty Maccoll,Kirsty Maccoll news,Kirsty Maccoll review,Kirsty
Maccoll biography,Kirsty Maccoll interview,Kirsty Maccoll newsletter, news, ...
Kirsty MacColl - The Best of Kirsty MacColl - Review by Andrew ...
Kirsty MacColl - The Best of Kirsty MacColl Kirsty MacColl was a truly great
singer who never made a truly great album. All the more reason, then, ...
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Yahoo! News Search Results for band "Kirsty MacColl"
RECENT ITEMSť (Filter Magazine)
Everyones favorite Austin, Texas band that sounds Scottish, Voxtrot, have announced a month-long U.S. tour with all-female Brooklyn trio Au Revoir Simone . Voxotrot are currently in New York City mixing their full-length debut.
Concert Previews (The Philadelphia Inquirer)
Joe Grushecky This Iron City rocker is no Pittsburgh stealer, a guy just copping the moves of the Boss, his sometimes cowriter, accompanist and record producer. Joe Grushecky is his own man, and his songs - honest expressions of a family man and working stiff trying to sustain a rock-and-roll career - stand out quite well on their own outside the long shadow of Bruce Springsteen. You can hear the ...
Sunny Cynic (Metro Weekly)
A bad breakup serves as the bread and butter for many a singer-songwriter. But few take to it with as much glee as Lily Allen, or in such a way that even the most heartbroken of listeners can't help but smile along with her. Yes, smile.
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