4AD: Heidi Berry
Record label site includes a profile and a wallpaper image.
http://www.4ad.com/artists/catalogue/heidiberry/index.html |
TrouserPress.com: Heidi Berry
Reviews of her albums.
http://www.trouserpress.com/entry_90s.php?a=heidi_berry |
Heidi Berry
Discography with lyrics and cover images.
http://www.online.i12.com/music/heidi/ |
Eyesore: Heidi Berry
Discography with cover images.
http://www.evo.org/html/group/berryheidi.html |
PopMatters: Heidi Berry: Pomegranate
Review by Charlotte Robinson of the 2001 compilation album. "When all is said and done, Pomegranate is a collection of pretty, moody songs that would make lovely background music."
http://www.popmatters.com/music/reviews/b/berryheidi-pomegranate.html |
Amazon offers
Pomegranate: An Anthology (Audio CD),05 June, 2001
List price $14.98
A surprisingly average collection from a superb artist. / 3
I bought this album for the demo of "The Mountain" and the two tracks I don't have because I haven't yet gotten my hands on Berry's first album, Below The Waves. As such a fan, it might seem odd I rate this album as average. I can't help it--although Berry is a truly wonderful singer and musician, to me, this "anthology" is less impressive than any other single studio album. Isn't that weird? I can't sort out exactly why. It might have to do with the absence of some of the songs by her that most moved me: "For The Rose" and "Ariel" from her self-titled record; "Hand Over Head", "Bright As Day", and "Lily" from Love; and "Holy Grail" from Miracle. These tracks are gorgeous, and I can't believe at least a few of them are not included! Some of the songs on this anthology are Berry at her best, but others, though very good indeed, were most powerful when part of the record from which they came. As it is, this disc lacks the cohesive zap of each of her studio albums as well as the awe and curiousity a retrospective could inspire. But I could be wrong. Don't forget the bottom line is that if you don't know Heidi Berry already, you won't regret any introduction to her, whether it's this album or others. Whichever you chose, plan to buy more. Berry is timeless and familiar, in the way a lullaby, hymn, or folk song can be.
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