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T Tap  

Artist & Band information for:heavy metal | T Tap | heavy metal bands

This is spinal tap (1984)
IMDb listing with quotes, ratings, summary and links to artist profiles.
Spinal Tap Fan Site and This Is Spinal Tap
A to Zed guide, links to other fan sites, articles and scripts, sound and video.
My Spinal Tap Fan Page
Includes information about the band, MP3s, video information and links. Spinal Tap
Includes a biography, photos, trivia, message board and links.
Spinal Tap Store
Spinal Tap's Official Store, includes merchandise, memorabilia and collectibles for sale. Interview With Spinal Tap
Spinal Tap's David St. Hubbins and Derek Smalls crank it up for in this exclusive interview.
Amazon offers Break Like The Wind (Audio CD),29 August, 2000
heavy metal |  T Tap  | heavy metal bands List price $6.98
Almost better than the first! / 4
I have to say reading reviews that if people aren't laughing out loud at the music on this album you're missing the point. I agree that the lyrics are what give Spinal Tap their edge but if you're a musician listen to their dead on take of all forms of rock. The Sun Never Sweats is a highlight for me particularly the middle section that switches into three unrelated keys while the riff badly apes Slade or Jethro Tull. Rainy Day Sun does a great job of evoking bad '60's psychedlic rock - a cross between the Doors and the Kinks. The best part of the album though is Nigel's voicebox solo on Springtime. The only bad parts for me were the duet with Cher (too blatantly bad for me) and the remake of Christmas with the Devil which is done better on the remastered soundtrack (Take number one with their Hoiday greeting kicks every other version).
Song "All The Way Home"
Bluebirds, flowers
Sunshine and showers
Sunsets and rainbows
On skies of red and blue
Badges, whistles
Rockets and missiles
Puppies, kittens
And penny candy too
You make me feel so new
Like carnivals and carousels
Popsicles and wishing wells
And I am so in love with you
I can't believe it's true
We're gonna make it all the way home

Magic potions,
Incense and lotions
Bells, books and candles
Can make a witches' brew
But I don't need witches
Love spells or riches
You are my treasure
My fairy tale come true
With you is where I'll stay
All the time, anywhere
Turn around, and I'll be there
It was I, now it's we
And I know it will be
You and me, all the way home
Me and you, all the way home.

Memorable Quotes from This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This Is Spinal Tap - Cast, Crew, Reviews, Plot Summary, Comments, Discussion, Taglines, Trailers, Posters, Photos, Showtimes, Link to Official Site, ...
This Is Spinal Tap (1984)
This Is Spinal Tap (1984). A review by Damian Cannon. Copyright © Movie Reviews UK 1997. A spot-on spoof rockumentary, This Is Spinal Tap casts a shrewd and ...
Yahoo! News Search Results for band "T Tap"

GreatGrandma's a tap-dancer (Denver Post)
A couple of years ago, after her favorite exercise spa closed, Helen Burg was starting to feel a little sluggish.

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